I have an array of data using which I select rows from a table. For that I use member of operator in where clause. I want to know if we can do that same but by using Like operator along with member of operator.
When my Array consists of{Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata} I select the rows which have these three values in their row. This is how I do that:
select ...
From xyz where city member of array;
///Receiving the array from an in parameter of the stored procedure.
And it works perfectly fine.
But If my array has {Del, Mum, Kolk} //parts of the actual names
How do I use this array for the same purpose, maybe using Like operator.
Create or replace zz2(ar in array_collection, c out sys_refcursor)
anotherabc tablename.city%type
Open c
Select ABC
Into anotherabc
From tablename where city member of ar;
End zz2;
I expect the output to have all the rows which have cities starting with the alphabet/characters present in the array. Using member of operator
Something like this?
Select ABC
Into anotherabc a
From tablename WHERE EXISTS
( select 1 FROM ( select column_value as city
FROM TABLE(ar) ) s where a.city like s.city||'%' )