
Operation Contract with Different Source or Action Url

Our third party API provides two different web services but have identical methods, models. Nevertheless they only differ on URIs (Web Service Path, Action Path [Operation Contract].

So I have decided to:

  1. Generate the code from their wsdl using VS.

  2. Edit the namespacing to use the same and to be "Common" and not use the service reference instead i use the Reference.cs edited code.

  3. Create a new proxy that will handle the correct URI of the service to use (wrapped the Reference.cs inside of it).

Now, I having an issue with the "Method1", because they have different Action Name. Having an exception of:

"Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction: http://www.api.com/service/Method1"

I just notice that it the correct action name is: http://www.api.com/service1/Method1

The question now is, is there any configuration or behavior that i can use to correct the action name for each method for each service?

Or as long as they keep on adding contracts for each implementation of the API, i should also keep on adding the contracts for each, and just use the ChannelFactory for this?

Please help, thanks.


  • I ended up directly using the ChannelFactory when faced with the same problem

    In my implementation, I had a base interface that had all the common methods to the 2 APIs. Then I had 2 seperate intefaces - one for each 3-rd party API version - that inherits from the base interface and adds methods and [OperationContract] attributes that varied between the two implementations.

    When instantianting ChannelFactory<> I used one of the child interfaces. Helped to keep the consumer code clean and maintainable