
How to convert an string built up of a list of mongo ObjectIds into a python list of just ids

I have a dataframe with a column containing string representation of a list of ObjectIds. i.e:

"[ObjectId('5d28938629fe749c7c12b6e3'), ObjectId('5caf4522a30528e3458b4579')]"

And I want to convert it from string literal to a python list of just ids like:

['5d28938629fe749c7c12b6e3', '5caf4522a30528e3458b4579']

json.loads & ast.literal_eval both fails because string contains ObjectId


  • I share this regex:

    You can click on codegenerator for example:

    import re
    regex = r"ObjectId\('(\w+)'\)"
    test_str = "[ObjectId('5d28938629fe749c7c12b6e3'), ObjectId('5caf4522a30528e3458b4579')]"
    matches = re.finditer(regex, test_str, re.MULTILINE)
    for matchNum, match in enumerate(matches, start=1):
        print ("Match {matchNum} was found at {start}-{end}: {match}".format(matchNum = matchNum, start = match.start(), end = match.end(), match =
        for groupNum in range(0, len(match.groups())):
            groupNum = groupNum + 1
            print ("Group {groupNum} found at {start}-{end}: {group}".format(groupNum = groupNum, start = match.start(groupNum), end = match.end(groupNum), group =


    Match 1 was found at 1-37: ObjectId('5d28938629fe749c7c12b6e3')
    Group 1 found at 11-35: 5d28938629fe749c7c12b6e3
    Match 2 was found at 39-75: ObjectId('5caf4522a30528e3458b4579')
    Group 1 found at 49-73: 5caf4522a30528e3458b4579

    for your example:

    import re 
    regex = r"ObjectId\('(\w+)'\)" 
    test_str = "[ObjectId('5d28938629fe749c7c12b6e3'), ObjectId('5caf4522a30528e3458b4579')]" 
    matches = re.finditer(regex, test_str, re.MULTILINE) 
    [i.groups()[0] for i in matches]  


    ['5d28938629fe749c7c12b6e3', '5caf4522a30528e3458b4579']

    And all about regex you can find here: