I was trying to create a function delegate to pass data from MainViewController
to SecondViewController
. I set the protocol:
protocol PassDataDelegate: AnyObject {
func passData(data: [String])
I added the delegate function to the SecondViewController:
func passData(data: [String]) {
//Pass Data
I set delegate to MainViewController:
weak var delegate: PassDataDelegate?
Here when the button is tapped the delegate function is called:
@objc func buttonTapped() {
guard let vcdelegate = delegate else {return}
vcdelegate.passData(data: data)
There are two options to write the delegate reference:
I write in MainViewController the reference of delegate to the SecondViewController:
let secondViewController = SecondViewController()
self.delegate = secondViewController
It works like I aspected.
I write in SecondViewController:
let vc = MainViewController()
vc.delegate = self
The problem is that delegate is still nil, I don't understand why. Any hints? Thanks
In option 2
let vc = MainViewController()
you create a new instance other than the real presented one so leaving the real delegate = nil