
Can't use nssm set command in batch script

When using this command in my batch script the set command is interpreted as the default windows batch "set an environment command":

@echo off
echo "Always run this script as Administrator. If you don't the service will be installed but not correctly configured!"

set serviceName=MyApp
set serviceLabel=MyApp
set serviceExe=MyApp.exe

set maindir=C:\\Users\\MyUser\\Desktop\\MyApp\\
set nssm=%maindir%\\lib\\nssm-2.24\\win64\\nssm.exe

%nssm% install %serviceName% "%maindir%\\%serviceExe%"

How do I prevent this?


  • An example, based upon my comment:

    @Echo Off
    Set "serviceName=MyApp"
    Set "serviceExe=MyApp.exe"
    Set "maindir=C:\\Users\\MyUser\\Desktop\\MyApp"
    Set "nssm=%maindir%\\lib\\nssm-2.24\\win64\\nssm.exe"
    "%nssm:\\=\%" install %serviceName% "%maindir%\\%serviceExe%"