
Cannot get GridLayout and GridLayoutParser to work with proteus

I am trying to inflate GridLayout in a FrameLayout using Proteus.

I tried implementing the GridLayoutParser and GridLayout as suggested here - Is GridLayout supported by proteus? If not then what is an alternative? .

Here's what I tried -
View -

public class ProteusGridLayout extends GridLayout implements ProteusView {
    private ProteusViewManager viewManager;

    public ProteusGridLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    public ProteusGridLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public ProteusGridLayout(Context context) {

    public ProteusGridLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

    public ProteusViewManager getViewManager() {
        return viewManager;

    public void setViewManager(ProteusViewManager proteusViewManager) {
        viewManager = proteusViewManager;

Parser -

public class ProteusGridLayoutParser extends WrappableParser<ProteusGridLayout> {

    public ProteusGridLayoutParser(Parser<ProteusGridLayout> wrappedParser) {

    public ProteusView createView(ViewGroup parent, JsonObject layout, JsonObject data, Styles styles, int index) {
        return new ProteusGridLayout(parent.getContext());

Proteus json data I attempted to render -

    "type": "GridLayout",
    "layout_width": "match_parent",
    "layout_height": "match_parent",
    "layout_gravity": "fill_horizontal",
    "columnCount": "2",
    "useDefaultMargins": "true",
    "children": [{
            "type": "TextView",
            "layout_width": "wrap_content",
            "layout_height": "wrap_content",
            "layout_columnWeight": "1",
            "layout_marginTop": "8dp",
            "layout_marginLeft": "16dp",
            "textSize": "20dp",
            "textColor": "@android:color/background_dark",
            "text": "244536"
            "type": "TextView",
            "layout_width": "wrap_content",
            "layout_height": "wrap_content",
            "layout_columnWeight": "1",
            "layout_marginTop": "8dp",
            "layout_marginLeft": "16dp",
            "textSize": "20dp",
            "textColor": "@android:color/background_dark",
            "text": "244536"
            "type": "TextView",
            "layout_width": "wrap_content",
            "layout_height": "wrap_content",
            "layout_columnWeight": "1",
            "layout_marginTop": "8dp",
            "layout_marginLeft": "16dp",
            "textSize": "20dp",
            "textColor": "@android:color/background_dark",
            "text": "244536"

I am getting this in the logcat - D/android.widget.GridLayout: horizontal constraints: x3-x0>=660, x3-x2<=164, x2-x1<=164, x1-x0<=164 are inconsistent; permanently removing: x3-x2<=164. . The GridLayout is not getting rendered correctly and the three elements appear in a single row like a LinearLayout.


  • Solved it. The ProteusGridLayoutParser was missing the following method for handling the GridLayout specific properties -

        protected void prepareHandlers() {
            this.addHandler(new Attributes.Attribute("columnCount"), new AttributeProcessor<ProteusGridLayout>() {
                public void handle(String s, JsonElement jsonElement, ProteusGridLayout proteusGridLayout) {
            this.addHandler(new Attributes.Attribute("useDefaultMargins"), new AttributeProcessor<ProteusGridLayout>() {
                public void handle(String s, JsonElement jsonElement, ProteusGridLayout proteusGridLayout) {

    In order to handle the layout_columnWeight property for the TextView I implemented the following class overriding the already provided TextViewParser -

    public class CustomProteusTextViewParser extends TextViewParser<ProteusTextView> {
        public CustomProteusTextViewParser(Parser<ProteusTextView> wrappedParser) {
        public ProteusView createView(ViewGroup parent, JsonObject layout, JsonObject data, Styles styles, int index) {
            return new ProteusTextView(parent.getContext());
        protected void prepareHandlers() {
            this.addHandler(new Attributes.Attribute("layout_columnWeight"), new AttributeProcessor<ProteusTextView>() {
                public void handle(String s, JsonElement jsonElement, ProteusTextView proteusTextView) {
                    GridLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = (GridLayout.LayoutParams) proteusTextView.getLayoutParams();
                    layoutParams.columnSpec = GridLayout.spec(GridLayout.UNDEFINED, jsonElement.getAsFloat());

    And finally registered this parser as the handler for TextView -

    LayoutBuilder layoutBuilder = new LayoutBuilderFactory().getDataParsingLayoutBuilder();
    layoutBuilder.registerHandler("TextView", new CustomProteusTextViewParser((Parser) layoutBuilder.getHandler("View")));

    Got the required view exactly once the properties were properly handled.