I have 4 tables (A
) in Matlab with 102 columns (e.g. X
, Y
, W
, Z
), all containing 52000 rows (e.g. 0,1,2,...
I want to merge them into one big table containing all of the data.
This is the output I want:
T Column_names A B C D
0 X a(0) b(0) c(0) d(0)
0 Y a(0) b(0) c(0) d(0)
0 W a(0) b(0) c(0) d(0)
0 Z a(0) b(0) c(0) d(0)
1 X a(1) b(1) c(1) d(1)
1 y a(1) b(1) c(1) d(1)
1 w a(1) b(1) c(1) d(1)
1 z a(1) b(1) c(1) d(1)
2 ...
I've created an example of 3 tables (A,B,C
), each with 3 columns (X,Y,Z
) and 4 rows.
Then the following steps achieve what you want...
It's trivial to add the row index T
You can then use stack
to create a tall table with the columns stacked (and labelled as a new column)
Finally an outerjoin
will merge all of the tables together. You could just concatenate them, but this has two disadvantages
The code is as follows, please see the comments for details.
% Dummy data
X = (1:12).';
Y = rand(12,1);
Z = primes(40).';
% Create tables with 4 rows each
A = table( X(1:4), Y(1:4), Z(1:4), 'VariableNames', {'X','Y','Z'} );
B = table( X(5:8), Y(5:8), Z(5:8), 'VariableNames', {'X','Y','Z'} );
C = table( X(9:12), Y(9:12), Z(9:12), 'VariableNames', {'X','Y','Z'} );
% Add the row index T
A.T = (1:size(A,1)).';
B.T = (1:size(B,1)).';
C.T = (1:size(C,1)).';
% Joining
% First, stack the tables to get column names as a column
As = stack( A, {'X','Y','Z'}, 'IndexVariableName', 'Column_names', 'NewDataVariableName', 'A' );
Bs = stack( B, {'X','Y','Z'}, 'IndexVariableName', 'Column_names', 'NewDataVariableName', 'B' );
Cs = stack( C, {'X','Y','Z'}, 'IndexVariableName', 'Column_names', 'NewDataVariableName', 'C' );
% Now just concatenate the tables.
% We can do this robustly with a 'join'.
tbls = {As,Bs,Cs};
% Loop over the tables for greatest flexibility
output = tbls{1};
for ii = 2:numel(tbls)
output = outerjoin( output, tbls{ii}, 'Keys', {'T','Column_names'}, 'MergeKeys', true );