I would like to validate if a textfield is empty or not using javafx.
I am confused of event handlers. I want to confirm : - whether there are many ways to use setOnAction :
submit.setOnAction((new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
System.out.println("Hello World");
submit.setOnAction(e -> handle(e));
what is the difference between these two choices?
I would like to validate textfields in my application.
public class AppGUI extends Application{
public static void main(String[] args)
public void start(Stage topView)
private void createUI(Stage topView)
TextField name = TextField();
Button submit = new Button("Submit");
submit.setOnAction(e -> validate());
private boolean validate()
// if textfield is empty, return false. else, return true.
I am lost here. Is it okay if the e in setOnAction is not used in validate? How do I pass the value of textfield to validate()? is making the textfields private variables the only way? (because I have so many text fields I wonder if its a good option). in createUI method, how do i say if validate() returns false, show error message and if true, do something else? Thank you and sorry for bothering
what is the difference between these two choices?
In second option lambdas are used (appeared since Java 8)
but then what is the purpose of defining e?
For a button your method have a signature like this setOnAction(EventHandler<ActionEvent> handler)
You should see EventHandler tutorials and an ActionEvent javadoc. For instance, from e you can get the object on which the Event initially occurred this way e.getSource()
It is ok if you don't use e in validate.
To pass the value of textfield your method should have signature like this
boolean validate(String text);
Code example:
private void createUI(Stage topView){
TextField name = TextField();
Button submit = new Button("Submit");
submit.setOnAction(e -> {
boolean validated = validate(name.getText());
if(validated) System.out.println("validated");
private boolean validate(String text){
return text != null && !text.isEmpty();