
Deploy Eclipse Che v7 on kubernetes cluster (not minikube)

I have been reading Che's documentation and trying to figure out how to deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster (not minishift or minikube).

I tried to use chectl for this but it seems that only minikube or minishift are supported for now.

chectl server:start -m -n che
  ❯ ✈️  Minikube preflight checklist
    ✔ Verify if kubectl is installed
    ✖ Verify if minikube is installed
      Verify if minikube is running
      Start minikube
      Verify if minikube ingress addon is enabled
      Enable minikube ingress addon
      Retrieving minikube IP and domain for ingress URLs

Is there any way that I can deploy eclipse che to a kuberntes cluster (not minikube or minishift)?


  • For the time being supported platforms are:

     [default: minikube] Type of Kubernetes platform. Valid values are "minikube", "minishift", "k8s", "openshift", "microk8s".

    Have a look at the docs of the chectl repository. For your case you need to try:

    chectl server:start -m -n che --platform=k8s