I've setup Rails API
only project with Postgreqsl
Rails Version: 6.0.0.rc1
Rails_Admin Version: 2.0.0.beta
I am getting following error
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in RailsAdmin::MainController#dashboard
PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "action_text_rich_texts" does not exist LINE 8: WHERE a.attrelid = '"action_text_rich_texts"'::regclass ^
P.S: Some says Rails_Admin works fine with API only project too. Source Link
UPDATES: I also tried by creating a new Rails project and not used --API
flag. but error still persist.
I'm not sure why but rails_admin is looking for a relation between action_mailbox and active_text, run rails action_text:install
then migrate and it should solve your issue.