I'm using multiple IF
statements in one cell and getting Error:509 which is "Operator Missing". It worked with fewer variables, I'm just not sure if the syntax is correct for Calc here.
I tried using nested statements but error 509 was returned as well.
=IF(M5="Statement 1";L5;K5)IF(AND(M6="Tax";A5=A6); | L6;K6);IF(AND(M7="Discounts";A7=A6); | L7;K7);IF(AND(M8="Alternate";A8=A7); | L8;K8);IF(AND(M9="Other";A9=A8); | L9;K9);IF(AND(M10="Local";A10=A9); | L10;K10);IF(AND(M11="State";A11=A10); | L11;K11)
I'm trying to get this output pending all values are true: L5 | L6 | L7 | L8 | L9 | L10 | L11
=IF(M5="Statement 1";L5;K5) missing& IF(AND(M6="Tax";A5=A6); missing & followed by quotes | missing quotes followed by & L6;K6) ; does not belong here should be &;IF(AND(M7="Discounts";A7=A6); | L7;K7);IF(AND(M8="Alternate";A8=A7); | L8;K8);IF(AND(M9="Other";A9=A8); | L9;K9);IF(AND(M10="Local";A10=A9); | L10;K10);IF(AND(M11="State";A11=A10); | L11;K11)
=if(M5="Statement 1";L5;K5)&if(AND(M6="Tax";A5=A6); "|" & L6;K6)&if(AND(M7="Discounts";A7=A6); "|" & L7;K7)&if(AND(M8="Alternate";A8=A7); "|" & L8;K8)&if(AND(M9="Other";A9=A8); "|" & L9;K9)&if(AND(M10="Local";A10=A9); "|" & L10;K10)&if(AND(M11="State";A11=A10); "|" & L11;K11)