I am trying to get and use index of the list in NativeScript, in this case using Repeater.
Here is my code:
<Repeater items="{{ sviArtikli }}" itemTemplateSelector="$index">
<WrapLayout orientation="horizontal"/>
<Card:CardView margin="10" width="45%" height="250" item="{{ id }}" myIndex="{{ $index }}" tap="detaljiArtikla">
<grid-layout rows="250, *" columns="*, 50">
<Image loaded="slikaUcitana" class="lista-katalozi-slika" id="slicice" opacity="1" stretch="aspectFill" colSpan="3" row="0" src="{{ 'https://url_location/' + slika_image }}" />
The part with myIndex="{{ $index }}"
does not work as index can not be calculated in Repeater.
Is there a way I can get index for every item in repeater? - ListView works, but I can not use listview in this case.
I have created a plyground for you here. You can pass the unique ID in your dataprovider and can access in item.
P.S. There is an open Feature-request
to support index in repeater, you can also cast your vote there.