I have installed pgadmin on a new windows laptop and when I try to create a new server, it says:
When I try to run my django app in pycharm it is giving me the same error
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
How to solve this ?
You can configurate your newly created server to run on localhost and port 5432.
First select the “Connection” tab in the “Create-Server” window. Then, configure the connection as follows:
Enter your server’s IP address in the “Hostname/ Address” field. Default is localhost.
Specify the “Port” as “5432”.
Enter the name of the database in the “Database Maintenance” field.
Enter your username as postgres and password (use the same password you used when previously configuring the server to accept remote connections) for the database.
Click “Save” to apply the configuration.
NOTE You first have to install PostgreSQL on your machine and run it or run it with docker.