
Need to execute code before Ignite cache ExpiryPolicy

I am using Ignite cache with ModifiedExpiryPolicy and need to execute a line of code before event execution. Any help?

IgniteCache<String, Object> expiresCache = cache.withExpiryPolicy(new ModifiedExpiryPolicy(new Duration(Time.MINUTES, timeInMins)));

public class ClassName {
public IgnitePredicate<CacheEvent> functionName() {
    return new IgnitePredicate<CacheEvent>() {  
        public boolean apply(CacheEvent evt) {
            //code to be executed after event.
            return true;


  • I think you need to use events to listen for expiry events.

    Ignite ignite = Ignition.ignite();
    // Local listener that listenes to local events.
    IgnitePredicate<CacheEvent> locLsnr = evt -> {
      System.out.println("Received expiry event [evt=" + + ", key=" + evt.key());
      return true; // Continue listening.
    // Subscribe to specified cache events occuring on local node., EventType.EVT_CACHE_OBJECT_EXPIRED);

    Note that this is just a local (node) listener, you'll need a remote listener to find expiry events on remote nodes. You'll also need to configure includeEventTypes in your configuration file (events are disabled by default for performance reasons.