I'm trying to write code to find all "ReadGeo" nodes and find its file path.
Right now my code opens my script and looks for "ReadGeo" nodes, but any ReadGeo nodes created in Nuke manually aren't found.
But, ReadGeo nodes created with code are found
def copyreadgeo(projid,scriptid):
nuke.scriptOpen(farmbarn + '/' + projid + '/' + scriptid)
for node in nuke.allNodes(recurseGroups=True):
if node.Class() == "ReadGeo":
print node.fullName(), ':', node['file'].value()
Updated: August 30, 2020.
In The Foundry NUKE 12.2v2 ReadGeo
nodes is a ReadGeo2
Here's a working code:
import nuke
for node in nuke.allNodes():
if node.Class() == "ReadGeo2":