
HTTP PUT a file in Powershell and capture response body?

I'd like to upload a file using PowerShell and capture the resulting response body. How can one do this?

I've tried:

$env:DEPLOY_URL = & curl.exe https://make.mudlet.org/snapshots/Mudlet-$env:VERSION$env:MUDLET_VERSION_BUILD-windows.zip --upload-file Mudlet-$env:VERSION$env:MUDLET_VERSION_BUILD-windows.zip 2>&1

But that does not work and says Command executed with exception: without listing the exception.


  • Explore using the Invoke-RestMethod command. You can save the response body using the -OutFile parameter.

    An example PUT would be as follows where $uri is the destination, $inFile is the path to the local file, and $outFile is the path to where to save the response body:

    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method PUT -InFile $inFile -OutFile $outFile