I'm trying out the Snap Kit Framework from Snapchat using their sample code but when running the code nothing happens and no error is thrown.
import SCSDKCreativeKit
let snap = SCSDKNoSnapContent()
snap.sticker = SCSDKSnapSticker(stickerImage: UIImage(named: "story_share.png")!)
snap.caption = "Snap on Snapchat!"
snap.attachmentUrl = profileURL.absoluteString
SCSDKSnapAPI().startSending(snap) { (error: Error?) in
The logs don't indicate an error either:
myapp[853:121028] [SnapKit] Dynamic config update status: success
Things I've tried or insured are correct:
is in the list of LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
trick doesn't make a differenceWhat could be the reason why this doesn't work?
I found the disappointing answer that it only works using the deprecated method call:
SCSDKSnapAPI(content: snap).startSnapping() { (error: Error?) in
I hope that Snapchat fixes their terrible framework in the future. If anyone knows an actual solution, please let me know and I'll accept your answer.