I am trying to map image URLs to an avatar component. The data I am using is coming from an Google Books API. The data resource is an array of objects (books). Some objects have missing values for the "thumbnail" field I am targeting.
I want to IGNORE these objects if they do not have a value for "thumbnail" and continue mapping through the array.
I am using React Native and Expo
I have tried various methods mentioned on Stack Overflow, including array.filter() with logic on my data before array.map(). None of the recommended solutions have worked.
The error I recieve is:
TypeError: TypeError: undefined is not an object(evaluating 'url.volumeInfo.imageLink.thumbnail')
It appears I can't even have that path inside of an "if" statement, which is strange to me - because even if that value is undefined, why should that matter?
renderCategory() {
if (this.props.adventure.payload[0]) {
const fetched_Book = this.props.adventure.payload;
const filteredThumbnails = fetched_Book.filter(url =>{
// The console log below shows 4 urls before it fails)
console.log('URL', url.volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail)
if(typeof url.volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail === "undefined"){
return false
else return true;
const allThumbnails= filteredThumbnails.map(book => book.volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail);
return (
<View style={styles.thumbnailContainer}>
allThumbnails.map((l, i) =>
source={{ uri: l }}
onPress={() => this.onSelectedBook(fetched_Book, i)}
else return ''
The expected output is a new, filtered array of objects, that can then be mapped into my Avatar Component.
This error means that some part of path to thumbnail does not exist so you need to check if each part of that path exists:
const filteredThumbnails = fetched_Book
.filter(url => !!url && !!url.volumeInfo && !!url.volumeInfo.imageLinks && typeof url.volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail === 'undefined')