
Is it possible to read process memory of a 64 bit process from a 32bit app?

On windows 64 bit, I've got a 32 bit process that reads the memory of other 32 bit processes, and I'd like it to be able to read 64 bit processes too.

ReadProcessMemory is being used to read the memory, but it has a 32 bit limitation. Is there any way of doing the equivalent of a ReadProcessMemory on a 64 bit process?

I know I could write a 64 bit process and launch that from my 32 bit process to do the work, but I'm wondering if there's some other option so that I don't need to write a 64 bit process.



  • There's no way to get around this. One solution is to stop using the WOW64 emulator and write a 64 bit process. Another solution is to use IPC rather than direct memory reading.