I want to run an image which I have already created and uploaded on the docker hub. Is it possible to run that image on lxc/lxd? Basically I want to do performance comparison between docker and lxc.
I have installed skopeo, umoci, go-md2man and jq.
Now, when I try to run the command lxc-create c1 -t oci – --url docker://awaisaz/test:part2 it gives trust policy error. /etc/containers/policy.json not such file or directory
Can anyone suggest me a solution or alternate way to do this?
So, you want to run a docker container inside an LXC Container.
firstly, you need to make docker process up and running inside an lxc container.
sudo lxc config edit <lxc-container-name>
In Config Object, Add
linux.kernel_modules: overlay,ip_tables
security.nesting: true
security.privileged: true
Then Exit from that YAML File, And Restart the LXC Container
sudo lxc restart <container_name>
After Successfull restart of LXC Container.
exec into that container by
sudo lxc exec <container_name> /bin/bash
sudo rm /var/lib/docker/network/files/local-kv.db
Restart Docker Service,
service docker restart (In LXC Container)
Then you can use docker process in LXC Container as if you are in a VM.