By moving a Slider, I want to be able to scale (zoom in) on an Image and once scaled (zoomed in), be able to move around, ( flick ) I have this example working here below, but my problem is the following.
If I zoom in, scale in, and then flick around to a spot on the image, then I want to zoom (scale) in further on that specific point in the center of the window, when I scale in using the Slider, the zoom (scale) occurs at the center of the image because by default the 'transformOrigin' is Item.Center
Try running the code to understand what I am talking about: ( you will need to change the image source)
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
Item {
id: mainId
width: 1280
height: 720
property int scaleMultiplier: 3
Flickable {
id: flickArea
anchors.fill: parent
focus: true
contentWidth: Math.max(inner.width * slider.value * scaleMultiplier, width)
contentHeight: Math.max(inner.height * slider.value * scaleMultiplier, height)
anchors.centerIn: parent
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
contentX: contentWidth === width ? 0 : inner.width * slider.value * scaleMultiplier / 2 - flickArea.width / 2
contentY: contentHeight === height ? 0 : inner.height * slider.value * scaleMultiplier / 2 - flickArea.height / 2
Image {
id: inner
scale: slider.value * scaleMultiplier
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: "test_images/1.png"
Slider {
id: slider
value: .01
orientation: Qt.Vertical
anchors {
bottom: parent.bottom
right: parent.right
margins: 50
from: 0.01
I tried setting an arbitrary transform origin point like so:
Image {
id: inner
scale: slider.value * scaleMultiplier
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: "test_images/1.png"
transform: Scale {
id: scaleID ;
origin.x: flickArea.contentX + flickArea.width * flickArea.visibleArea.widthRatio / 2
origin.y: flickArea.contentY + flickArea.height * flickArea.visibleArea.heightRatio / 2
But it seems to have no effect. Any help is appreciated. What am I missing?
Again what I want is when I flick to a specific point on the Image, and scale in, I want the point of origin to scale into be the area in the center of the viewable flickarea. For example let's say I am zoomed in the upper right corner of the image, then I wish to zoom in further, when I zoom in further, the Image is brought back to the center of the image.
Found the answer with help from @sierdzio here:
I needed to use resizeContents() method from Flickable
property real zoom: 1;
onZoomChanged: {
var zoomPoint = Qt.point(flickArea.width/2 + flickArea.contentX,
flickArea.height/2 + flickArea.contentY);
flickArea.resizeContent((inner.width * zoom), (inner.height * zoom), zoomPoint);
contentWidth: Math.max(inner.width * slider.value * scaleMultiplier, width)
contentHeight: Math.max(inner.height * slider.value * scaleMultiplier, height)
contentX: contentWidth === width ? 0 : inner.width * slider.value * scaleMultiplier / 2 - flickArea.width / 2
contentY: contentHeight === height ? 0 : inner.height * slider.value * scaleMultiplier / 2 - flickArea.height / 2
// Instead, do:
contentWidth: inner.width
contentHeight: inner.height