
Multiply columns in different dataframes

I am writing a code for analysis a set of dplyr data.

here is how my table_1 looks:

 1 A B C
 2 5 2 3
 3 9 4 1
 4 6 3 8
 5 3 7 3

And my table_2 looks like this:

 1 D E F
 2 2 9 3 

I would love to based on table 1 column"A", if A>6, then create a column "G" in table1, equals to "C*D+C*E"

Basically, it's like make table 2 as a factor...

Is there any way I can do it?

I can apply a filter to Column "A" and multiply Column"C" with a set number instead of a factor from table_2

 table_1_New <- mutate(Table_1,G=if_else(A<6,C*2+C*9))


  • You could try

    #Initialize G column with 0
    df1$G <- 0
    #Get index where A value is greater than 6
    inds <- df1$A > 6
    #Multiply those values with D and E from df2
    df1$G[inds] <- df1$C[inds] * df2$D + df1$C[inds] * df2$E
    #  A B C  G
    #2 5 2 3  0
    #3 9 4 1 11
    #4 6 3 8  0
    #5 3 7 3  0

    Using dplyr, we can do

    df1 %>% mutate(G = ifelse(A > 6, C*df2$D + C*df2$E, 0))