
Avoid triggering build on certain file changes (e.g

Is there any way to avoid triggering build on certain file commits which are not directly related to source code?

e.g. I don't want to trigger a automatic build when anyone make changes to file or some reference document file.


  • I don't know that it's described in the plugin page or the Wiki, but at least according to the Advanced Features/Additional Behaviors, the git plugin can be configured to do what you're looking for in multiple ways. eg: Polling ignores commits in certain paths lets you specify an Included region or Excluded region" The help (?) says:

    Each exclusion uses java regular expression pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.


    The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.

    You'd have to try them out. One less plugin - KISS!

    Git Advanced Features