
numbers of zones in an azure availability zone Region

Is there a way to find out how many zones are then per availability zone Region. does it always 3 zones per availability one? Are there regions where there are more than 3 zones per availability zone?


  • This can help you see the regions:

    az account list-locations -o table

    According to the cli documentation, it appears there are 3 per region [--zone {1, 2, 3}] as shown below, since it enumerates zones 1, 2, and 3 as options when you do an az vm create command that would include --location and --zone

    az vm create --name
                 [--accelerated-networking {false, true}]
                 [--authentication-type {all, password, ssh}]
                 [--ephemeral-os-disk {false, true}]
                 [--license-type {None, Windows_Client, Windows_Server}]
                 [--nsg-rule {RDP, SSH}]
                 [--os-disk-caching {None, ReadOnly, ReadWrite}]
                 [--os-type {linux, windows}]
                 [--public-ip-address-allocation {dynamic, static}]
                 [--public-ip-sku {Basic, Standard}]
                 [--ultra-ssd-enabled {false, true}]
                 [--zone {1, 2, 3}]

    Source: ~