
Why is the ResultSet not same for insert and select queries

When I use session.execute in cassandra, I notice that the ResultSet's structure is different for the same table. If I am querying the table to get a record using Where, the ResultSet contains the data fetched from the table.

val resultSet = session.execute(whereClause)


ResultSet[ exhausted: false, Columns[year(bigint), month(bigint), 
    creation_time_hour(bigint), creation_time_minute(bigint), 
    question_id(uuid), question_description(varchar)]]

But if I use Insert, I get something totally different.

ResultSet[ exhausted: false, Columns[[applied](boolean)]]

Is this expected behavior? Is there a way to get the data "inserted" by cassandra in the table in the ResultSet returned by execute method?


  • Usually, the INSERT doesn't return the inserted values back to user. The exception is insert that triggers lightweight transaction - if you use IF NOT EXISTS. In this case, it may return:

    1. single row with single column [applied] with true value - this means that data were inserted;
    cqlsh:test> insert into test.u2(id,u) values(5, {id:1, t1:3}) if not exists;
    1. single row with all values of the corresponding row of the table, plus column [applied] with false value - this happens when row with given primary key already exists.
    cqlsh:test> insert into test.u2(id,u) values(1, {id:1, t1:2});
    cqlsh:test> insert into test.u2(id,u) values(1, {id:1, t1:3}) if not exists;
     [applied] | id | u
         False |  1 | {id: 1, t1: 2}