Hello i have an api in Laravel i'm trying to get a value from a table column Json response it already in the table json response but when i get it its says:
Trying to get property 'parameter' of non-object
i'm so new on laravel so i'm really lost with this
The Function i use when i call the api it go to
$parameter = $value->parameter;
And then stop and say in PriceDetailHolder()
Trying to get property 'parameter' of non-object
I showed 2 functions because i don't really know where is the problem exactly
public static function PriceDetailHolder($booking_prices, $booking_id = null, $currency = null): array
if (!empty($booking_id) && $booking_id !== null) {
* @var $booking Booking
$booking = Booking::query()->find($booking_id);
$currency = $booking->CountryArea->Country->isoCode;
$holder[] = [
'highlighted_text' => trans('admin.message665'),
'highlighted_text_color' => '333333',
'highlighted_style' => 'BOLD',
'highlighted_visibility' => true,
'small_text' => 'eee',
'small_text_color' => '333333',
'small_text_style' => '',
'small_text_visibility' => false,
'value_text' => trans('admin.message665'),
'value_text_color' => '333333',
'value_text_style' => '',
'value_textvisibility' => false
foreach ($booking_prices as $key => $value) {
$code = '';
if (!empty($value->code)) {
$code = "({$value->code})";
$parameter = $value->parameter;
* @var $parameterDetails PricingParameter
$parameterDetails = PricingParameter::query()->find($parameter);
if ($parameterDetails === null) {
$prameterName = $parameter;
} else {
if ((int)$parameterDetails->parameterType === 13) {
$applicable = (int)$parameterDetails->applicable === 1 ? trans('api.message174') : trans('api.message175');
* @var $priceCardValue PriceCardValue
$priceCardValue = PriceCardValue::query()->where([['price_card_id', '=', $value->price_card_id], ['pricing_parameter_id', '=', $parameter]])->first();
$code = "($priceCardValue->parameter_price %)\n" . $applicable;
$prameterName = $parameterDetails->ParameterApplication . $code;
$holder[] = [
'highlighted_text' => $prameterName,
'highlighted_text_color' => '333333',
'highlighted_style' => 'NORMAL',
'highlighted_visibility' => true,
'small_text' => 'eee',
'small_texot_clor' => '333333',
'small_text_style' => '',
'small_text_visibility' => false,
'value_text' => $currency . ' ' . $value->amount,
'value_text_color' => '333333',
'value_text_style' => '',
'value_textvisibility' => true
return $holder;
public function End(EndTripRequest $request)
$merchant_id = $request->user('api-driver')->merchant_id;
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'booking_id' => [
Rule::exists('bookings', 'id')->where(static function ($query) {
$query->where('booking_status', TripStatus::STARTED);
'latitude' => 'required',
'longitude' => 'required',
'tip_amount' => 'nullable|numeric',
if ($validator->fails()) {
$errors = $validator->messages()->all();
return response()->json(['result' => '0', 'message' => $errors[0], 'data' => []]);
* @var $configuration BookingConfiguration
$configuration = BookingConfiguration::query()->where('merchant_id', $merchant_id)->first();
$booking_id = $request->booking_id;
* @var $booking Booking
$booking = Booking::with('PriceCard')->find($booking_id);
* @var $bookingDetails BookingDetail
$bookingDetails = BookingDetail::booking($booking_id)->first();
$service_type_id = (int)$booking->service_type_id;
if (!in_array($service_type_id, [1, 5], false)) {
$start_meter_value = $bookingDetails->start_meter_value;
$customMessages = [
'gt' => trans_choice('api.endmeter', 3, ['value' => $start_meter_value]),
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'send_meter_image' => 'required',
'send_meter_value' => 'required|integer|gt:' . $start_meter_value,
], $customMessages);
if ($validator->fails()) {
$errors = $validator->messages()->all();
return response()->json(['result' => '0', 'message' => $errors[0], 'data' => []]);
$request->user('api-driver')->free_busy = 2;
$request->user('api-driver')->total_trips += 1;
* @var $user \App\User
$user = $booking->User;
if ($request->hasFile('send_meter_image')) {
$bookingDetails->end_meter_value = $request->send_meter_value;
$send_meter_image = $request->send_meter_image->store('service');
$bookingDetails->end_meter_image = $send_meter_image;
$pricing_type = $booking->PriceCard->pricing_type;
$price_card_id = $booking->price_card_id;
$key = $configuration->google_key;
$endAddress = GoogleController::GoogleLocation($request->latitude, $request->longitude, $key);
$endAddress = $endAddress ?: 'Address Not found';
$endTimeStamp = time();
$bookingDetails->end_timestamp = $endTimeStamp;
$bookingDetails->end_latitude = $request->latitude;
$bookingDetails->end_longitude = $request->longitude;
$bookingDetails->end_location = $endAddress;
$bookingDetails->accuracy_at_end = $request->accuracy;
$start_timestamp = $bookingDetails->start_timestamp;
$seconds = $endTimeStamp - $start_timestamp;
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$mins = floor($seconds / 60 % 60);
//$secs = floor($seconds % 60);
$timeFormat = sprintf('%02d H %02d M', $hours, $mins);
$rideTime = round(abs($endTimeStamp - $start_timestamp) / 60, 2);
$from = $bookingDetails->start_latitude . ',' . $bookingDetails->start_longitude;
$to = $request->latitude . ',' . $request->longitude;
$coordinates = '';
$bookingData = new BookingDataController();
* Calculate the distance based on service type.
switch ($service_type_id) {
case '1':
$bookingcoordinates = BookingCoordinate::query()->where('booking_id', $request->booking_id)->first();
$pick = $booking->pickup_latitude . ',' . $booking->pickup_longitude;
$drop = $booking->drop_latitude . ',' . $booking->drop_longitude;
$distanceCalculation = new DistanceCalculation();
$distance = $distanceCalculation->distance($from, $to, $pick, $drop, $bookingcoordinates['coordinates'], $merchant_id, $key);
$distance = round($distance);
$coordinates = $bookingcoordinates['coordinates'];
case '5':
$distance = GoogleController::GoogleShortestPathDistance($from, $to, $key);
$distance = round($distance);
$distance = $bookingDetails->end_meter_value - $bookingDetails->start_meter_value;
$distance *= 1000;
* Calculate Trip Amount based on Pricing Type
switch ($pricing_type) {
case '1':
case '2':
$newArray = PriceController::CalculateBill($price_card_id, $distance, $rideTime, $booking_id, $bookingDetails->wait_time, (double)$bookingDetails->dead_milage_distance, (double)$booking->User->outstanding_amount);
* Check if trip went through a toll gate
if (!empty($configuration->toll_api)) {
$newTool = new Toll();
$toolPrice = $newTool->checkToll($configuration->toll_api, $from, $to, $coordinates, $configuration->toll_key);
if (is_array($toolPrice) && array_key_exists('cost', $toolPrice) && $toolPrice['cost'] > 0) {
$parameter[] = ['price_card_id' => $price_card_id, 'booking_id' => $booking_id, 'parameter' => 'TollCharges', 'amount' => sprintf('%0.2f', $toolPrice['cost']), 'type' => 'CREDIT', 'code' => ''];
$newArray[] = $parameter;
$newExtraCharge = new ExtraCharges();
$carditnewArray = array_filter($newArray, static function ($e) {
return ($e['type'] === 'CREDIT');
$amount = array_sum(Arr::pluck($carditnewArray, 'amount'));
if ($booking->number_of_rider > 1) {
$amount += $booking->PriceCard->extra_sheet_charge;
$booking_time = (int)$booking->booking_type === BookingType::RIDE_NOW ? $booking->created_at->toTimeString() : $booking->later_booking_time;
$timeCharge = $newExtraCharge->NightChargeEstimate($price_card_id, $booking_id, $amount, $booking_time);
if (!empty($timeCharge)) {
$charge = array_sum(Arr::pluck($timeCharge, 'amount'));
$amount += $charge;
$newArray = array_merge($newArray, $timeCharge);
* Check and calculate surge price
if ((int)$booking->PriceCard->sub_charge_status === 1) {
$surge = (int)$booking->PriceCard->sub_charge_type === 1 ? $booking->PriceCard->sub_charge_value : bcdiv($amount, $booking->PriceCard->sub_charge_value, 2);
$amount += $surge;
$parameter = ['price_card_id' => $price_card_id, 'booking_id' => $booking_id, 'parameter' => 'Surge-Charge', 'amount' => sprintf('%0.2f', $surge), 'type' => 'CREDIT', 'code' => ''];
$newArray[] = $parameter;
$discoutArray = array_filter($newArray, static function ($e) {
return ($e['type'] === 'DEBIT');
* Check if there's a promo code applied to this booking
if (!empty($discoutArray)) {
$promoDiscount = sprintf('%0.2f', array_sum(Arr::pluck($discoutArray, 'amount')));
$bookingDetails->promo_discount = $promoDiscount;
$amount = $amount > $promoDiscount ? $amount - $promoDiscount : '0.00';
} else {
$bookingDetails->promo_discount = '0.00';
* Check if a driver or user is referee
$referDiscount = $bookingData->Refer($booking->user_id);
if ($referDiscount !== NULL) {
switch ($referDiscount->offer_type) {
case '1':
$referAmount = $amount;
$amount = 0;
case '2':
$referAmount = ($amount * $referDiscount->referral_offer_value) / 100;
$amount -= $referAmount;
case '3':
$referAmount = $referDiscount->referral_offer_value;
$amount = $amount < $referAmount ? 0 : $amount - $referAmount;
$referAmount = 0;
$parameter[] = ['price_card_id' => $price_card_id, 'booking_id' => $booking_id, 'parameter' => 'Promotion', 'amount' => sprintf('%0.2f', $referAmount), 'type' => 'DEBIT', 'code' => ''];
array_push($newArray, $parameter);
$billDetails = json_encode($newArray);
$bookingDetails->total_amount = sprintf('%0.2f', $amount);
$payment = new Payment();
if ($amount > 0) {
$payment->MakePayment($booking->id, $booking->payment_method_id, $amount, $booking->user_id, $booking->card_id);
} else {
$bookingDetails->bill_details = $billDetails;
\App\Http\Controllers\Helper\CommonController::Commission($booking_id, $amount);
if ($booking->User->outstanding_amount) {
User::query()->where('id', $booking->user_id)->update(['outstanding_amount' => NULL]);
case '3':
$amount = '';
$amount = '';
if ($service_type_id === 5) {
$poolRide = new PoolController();
$poolRide->DropPool($booking, $request);
$distance = round($distance / 1000, 2) . ' Km';
$booking->booking_status = TripStatus::COMPLETED;
$booking->travel_distance = $distance;
$booking->travel_time = $timeFormat;
$booking->travel_time_min = $rideTime;
$booking->final_amount_paid = sprintf('%0.2f', $amount);
$user_id = $booking->user_id;
$message = 'Driver End Ride';
$userdevices = UserDevice::getLastDevice($booking->user_id);
$playerids = [$userdevices->player_id];
$data = $bookingData->BookingNotification($booking);
Onesignal::UserPushMessage($playerids, $data, $message, 1, $booking->merchant_id);
return response()->json(['result' => '1', 'message' => trans('api.message15'), 'data' => $booking]);
Its coming from a table
Please tell me to show you anything if i'm wrong i'm really sorry for my poor knowledge in all this but i'm just in the first step to learn
So a quick look at your code the code that fails is $value->parameter
That value comes from $booking_prices
, so the issue lies in the objects returned when iterating booking_prices
does not have the property parameter
You could remove the error by doing $parameter = $value->parameter ?? null; // null as default value
or by figuring out why the parameter
attribute does not always exist.