
Use MapBox GL JS without Access Token

Is there a way to use MapBox GL JS without access token? I cannot find any hint in the documentation of MapBox GL JS, however, Uber suggest that it is possible with their library, providing React Components for MapBox GL JS.

From the documentation of react-map-gl

Display Maps Without A Mapbox Token

It is possible to use the map component without the Mapbox service, if you use another tile source (for example, if you host your own map tiles). You will need a custom Mapbox GL style that points to your own vector tile source, and pass it to ReactMapGL using the mapStyle prop. This custom style must match the schema of your tile source.


Is it possible to use the "native" MapBox GL JS without Access Token? If so, how?


  • Yep, as the comments mention, just don't set the accessToken and refrain from using any mapbox styles or tiles:

    var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
        container: 'map'
        center: [-74.50, 40],
        zoom: 9

    Then you can add your layer programmatically via map.addLayer/addSource or just create your own style.json file referencing your tile server and layers. The style specification is documented extensively here: