My Cobol structure:
01. MyData.
02. Corp-Entity
03. Corp-Branch1.
04. Address.
05. AddressLine1 PIC X(20).
05. AddressLine2 PIC X(20).
05. PostalCode PIC 9(05).
02. PIC-Entity.
03. Address.
04. AddressLine1 PIC X(20).
04. AddressLine2 PIC X(20).
04. PostalCode PIC 9(05).
I have the data to move in Address of Corp-Entity
and another data to move in Address of PIC-Entity
But when I try to move the value
move valueAddressLine1 to AddressLine1
of Address
of PIC-Entity
Error Message:
"AddressLine1 of Address of PIC-Entity" was not a uniquely defined name.
The definition to be used could not be determined from the context. The reference to the name was discarded.
How to move 'valueAddressLine1'
to AddressLine1 of Address of PIC-Entity
You can change it to:
move valueAddressLine1 to AddressLine1
in Address
in PIC-Entity
in MyData
most likely you have PIC-Entity that has same structure somewhere else outside MyData definition.