
shell - How to match content between xml tags?

I have this file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        <Content>Poin Bonstri kamu: 358

Sisa Kuota kamu :
Kuota WA.Line 18 MB s.d 06&#x2F;08&#x2F;2019 19:33:46
Kuota Reguler 1478 MB s.d 02&#x2F;08&#x2F;2019 05:36:44
Temukan beragam paket lain di bima+ https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;RQ1DBA</Content>
                        <Date>2019-08-01 13:28:04</Date>

I want to match the text between <Content> and </Content>. I've tried:

tr '\n' ' ' < input_file | grep -E "^<Content>.*</Content>$"

But it doesn't work. Please note that I use ash shell instead of bash. How do I do this ?


  • If you have PCRE capable grep you could use positive lookahead and -behind:

    $ tr '\n' ' ' < file | grep -Po "(?<=<Content>).*(?=</Content>)"


    Poin Bonstri kamu: 358  Sisa Kuota kamu : Kuota WA.Line 18 MB s.d 06&#x2F;08&#x2F;2019 19:33:46 Kuota Reguler 1478 MB s.d 02&#x2F;08&#x2F;2019 05:36:44 Temukan beragam paket lain di bima+ https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;RQ1DBA