I am looking for a way to load the card we are using at work into the phone so I can use NFC on the phone to touch the wall reader and get it work.
I have found a lot on the internet, however when I download any of the RFID or NFC reader apps to load the tag, it is not reading anything at all.
The card we using is: https://www.adiglobal.cz/cz/produkty130:1871927/bezkontaktni-karta-indala-lite
If there is a way, just some link, where I can grab some info how to, would be great.
The card you are refering to is an HID Indala card. It uses a different operating frequency than NFC. The card operates on 125 kHz while NFC operates on 13.56 MHz. Consequently, it cannot be read with NFC devices.