
In SQL how do I group by every one of a long list of columns and get counts, assembled all into one table?

I have performed a stratified sample on a multi-label dataset before training a classifier and want to check how balanced it is now. The columns in the dataset are:


I want to group by every label_* column once, and create a dictionary of the results with positive/negative counts. At the moment I am accomplishing this in PySpark SQL like this:

# Evaluate how skewed the sample is after balancing it by resampling
stratified_sample = spark.read.json('s3://stackoverflow-events/1901/Sample.Stratified.{}.*.jsonl'.format(limit))

label_counts = {}
for i in range(0, 100):
  count_df = spark.sql('SELECT label_{}, COUNT(*) as total FROM stratified_sample GROUP BY label_{}'.format(i, i))
  rows = count_df.rdd.take(2)
  neg_count = getattr(rows[0], 'total')
  pos_count = getattr(rows[1], 'total')
  label_counts[i] = [neg_count, pos_count]

The output is thus:

{0: [1034673, 14491],
 1: [1023250, 25914],
 2: [1030462, 18702],
 3: [1035645, 13519],
 4: [1037445, 11719],
 5: [1010664, 38500],
 6: [1031699, 17465],

This feels like it should be possible in one SQL statement, but I can't figure out how to do this or find an existing solution. Obviously I don't want to write out all the column names and generating SQL seems worse than this solution.

Can SQL do this? Thanks!


  • You can generate sql without group by.

    Something like

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS total, SUM(label_k) as positive_k ,.. FROM table

    And then use the result to produce your dict {k : [total-positive_k, positive_k]}