cloud: aws beanstalk turn on nginx for container proxy server application load balancer - https only, default process (https) 2+ instance in private subnet enabled end to end encryption following
self-signed certificate on instance instance running docker
In local, we have a 3 container to mimic the infrastructure,
1 nginx: 443 as load balancer and https reverse proxy 2 app container: 3000:3000, 3001:3001 respectively so, not end to end encryption yet
software: autho passport ( express react cookie-session package
const sessionConfig = {
name: 'sessionId',
secret: uid.sync(18),
secure: true,
httpOnly: true,
secureProxy: true,
maxAge: 1800 * 1000
workflow: open website, click login link, it then redirect us to auth0 login page, after input username/passport, we click submit.
We are encountering "redirect too many times" when we have more than 1 instance running. The issue goes away if I turn on sticky session on the target group in aws.
We are seeing the same when trying on the local docker environment.
In this code,
router.get('/callback', (req, res, next) => {
authenticate('auth0', (authErr, user) => {
if (authErr) {
console.error(`Error authenticating user: ${authErr}`);
return next(authErr);
if (!user) {`No user data, redirecting to login page`);
return res.redirect('/login');
The logic always hits - if (!user), and we are not sure why this happens with multiple instance, load balancer setup.
Sorry I am new to this,
I am wondering if I can use cookie-session instead of express-session since JWT is supposed to not storing information in server.
I am asking because I have read a few tutorial of passport and Auth0, and it also mentioned about expression-session only.
Since Auth0 is using JWT, could I use cookie-session? if so, what could I do wrong?
PS. Here is my session config:
const sessionConfig = {
name: 'sessionId',
domain: '',
secret: uid.sync(18),
secure: true,
httpOnly: true,
maxAge: 1800 * 1000
Please advise and help. Thank you! Jay
The issue is resolved.
It is because secret is random so a fixed secret was not shared between servers.