
Declare Interfaces in typings file for JavaScript

Project Info

I'm working on a JavaScript project that utilizes .d.ts files. This is a subsequent question to a question I previously asked, so you can view more information regarding the project here.


Although I can normally extract functions from the typings files I can't extract interfaces or namespaces that are either empty or consist purely of interfaces. I have temporarily fixed this problem by creating a const implementation for each interface and using @typeof ConstantImplementation in the comments. See Example below:

// Typings File
export namespace test {
    export interface ITest {
        foo: string;
        bar: number;
    export const Test: ITest;

// JS File
if (undefined) var {Test: ITest} = require("globals.d.ts").test; 
// Above line shows `unused var error`

/* @type {typeof ITest} */
var x = {}; = "hello"; = 3;
// if I do `x.` intellisense should suggest `foo` and `bar` 

I was wondering if there is a better way to go around the problem, preferably one that doesn't throw an error (using eslint ignore line isn't a fix).


This question is not about getting functionality from typings file. It's purely about making VSCode intellisense working with typings Interfaces. Here is an image to explain what it is that I want (the two lines inside the circle):

enter image description here


  • So I was able to solve the issue using JSDoc


    export namespace test {
        export interface ITest {
            foo: string;
            bar: number;


     * @type {import("./test").test.ITest}
    let x;

    And the intellisense works now

    Working intellisense

    Also one thing I found is that if you add jsconfig.json with


        "compilerOptions": {
            "checkJs": true

    Your intellisense improves further

    Better intellisense


    As pointed out by @nickzoum, if you define the test.d.ts like below

    export interface ITest {
        foo: string;
        bar: number;
    export as namespace test;

    Then you can also use below form in JS for intellisense

    /** @typedef {import("./test").ITest} ITest */
    /** @type {ITest} */
    var x = {};