I was wondering about how I should structured my projects.
We have some projects that are (re)use in other projects.
I mean, our data project and model project are use in one-to-many other projects.
What I really what to know is how to structure this type of project, what the best way to name it ?
In a standard 3-tier application, is should like something like :
Any other ideas ?
In each company I work, they got different way to organize it, is there one better than another ? Which one do you use and which one do you prefer and why ?
For the data layer, I usually use:
Company.ProjectName.Data (i.e. AdventureWorks.OrderManager.Data)
For business layer I prefer something like "ObjectModel" (I have used "Business" or "BusinessLogic" but this is the area where data comes together in objects/classes so why not name it so?).
Company.ProjectName.ObjectModel (i.e. AdventureWorks.OrderManager.ObjectModel)
For UI, I like either plain old "UI" or "Presentation"...
Company.ProjectName.Presentation (i.e. AdventureWorks.OrderManager.Presentation)