
Multiline supression with cppcheck

I would like to use multiline suppression in cppcheck. Is that possible? For example: I would like to change

// cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
int fn1(){
    return 42;
// cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
int fn2(){
// cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
int fn3(){
int main(){

to something like:

// cppcheck-suppress-start unusedFunction
int fn1(){
    return 42;
int fn2(){
int fn3(){
// cppcheck-suppress-end unusedFunction
int main(){


  • No; per the manual, inline suppressions have no "begin"/"end" equivalent syntax.

    However, there are other ways to set suppressions; if you wanted to use unusedFunction throughout a whole source file, for example, you can say that in a suppressions file.

    Refer to chapter 6 in the above linked manual.