Is there a way to extract/query latitude, longitude and elevation data from a tif file using RasterFrames (
Following the documentation, I did loadRF a tif file from the following site:, however all I can see is generic information and don't know which RasterFunction to use in order to extract position and elevation or any other relevant information. I did try everything I can find in the API.
I did also try to extract temperature information using the following source as well:
All I get is tile column with DoubleUserDefinedNoDataArrayTile and boundary (extend or crs).
RasterStack in R can extract this information according to this blog:
I need a more granular DataFrame such as lat,lon,temperature(or whatever data is embedded into the tif file).
Is this possible with RasterFrames or GeoTrellis?
The long story short - yes, it is possible (at least with GeoTrellis). It is also possible with RasterFrames, I suppose, but will require some time to figure out how to extract this data. I can't answer more detailed since I need to know more about the dataset and about the pipeline you want to perform and apply.