I've found lots of information about JavaScript injections, but didn't find any specific regarding password
For my test GMail account I was able to set the next password <Script>alert(document.cookie);</script>
and it works correctly.
Should I just encode the <
and >
to their HTML equivalent?
How to handle such passwords?
Edit #1:
I store passwords in DB as hashes (and no issues for JavaScript injections here).
And I want to add a toggle for Password Visibility.
In this case I should encode the <
and >
to their HTML equivalent and that's it?
I used the next advice:
for a Password toggle Visibility
2.1 if it is implemented with a plain <input>
, you don't have to do anything (no JavaScript injections here).
2.2 if it is implemented with a <span>
, <div>
, etc, then you have to HTML-encode it (and note that you also have to worry about &
<!DOCTYPE html>
Password: <input type="password" value="<Script>alert(document.cookie);</script>" id="myInput"><br><br>
<input type="checkbox" onclick="showPasswd()">Show Password
function showPasswd() {
var x = document.getElementById("myInput");
if (x.type === "password") {
x.type = "text";
} else {
x.type = "password";