
How to observe changes of computed css properties in a vanilla JS ES6 custom element

I am trying to build a responsive custom element in vanilla JS that can respond to changes to its computed dimensions. I have successfully been able to observe changes to explicitly defined properties/attributes. However, I am wondering if it is possible to observe changes to the computed properties of the custom element. For example:

class Custom_element extends HTMLElement {
  generate_html() {
    return `
            :host {
            #element_wrapper {
                border: 1px solid grey;
                max-height     : 100%;
                max-width      : 100%; 
                min-height     : 100%;
                min-width      : 100%;            
        <div id="element_wrapper">

  constructor() {
    this.root = this.attachShadow({
      'mode': 'open'
    this.root.innerHTML = this.generate_html();

  static get observedAttributes() {
    return ['height', 'width'];

  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal) {
    console.log(name, oldVal, newVal) //Is it possible to fire this when the css computed height/width properties change?


window.customElements.define('custom-element', Custom_element);
#container {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;

#container:hover {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
<div id='container'>
    Slot Content

Is it possible to get the attributeChangedCallback() to fire when you hover over the #container element and change the computed height/width of the custom element?


  • As @Bergi pointed out in the comments, ResizeObserver is exactly what I was looking for. Apparently there is a polyfill to help support some of the older browsers.