I have dataframe of two columns. First one is correct strings, second is corrupted. I wanna apply Jaro-Winkler distance and store it in the new third column.
import pandas as pd
from pyjarowinkler.distance import get_jaro_distance
df = pd.DataFrame(
{"Correct" : ['Hello' , 'bread' , 'situation'],
"Corrupt" : ['Hlloe' , 'braed' , 'sitatuion']},
index = [1, 2, 3])
df['res'] = [get_jaro_distance(x, y) for x, y in zip(df['Correct'], df['Corrupt'])]
Correct Corrupt res
1 Hello Hlloe 0.88
2 bread braed 0.95
3 situation sitatuion 0.97