
Liferay: field missing after Wizard Setup?

A workmate has just set up a local liferay dxp 7.1 instance (hypersonic) and then tried to import a LAR file from another 7.1 instance.

For me it worked (postgres), he's getting an error regarding a missing field:

No such field com.liferay.portal.model.impl.GroupImpl._originalName
---- Debugging information ----
message : No such field
field : _originalName
class : com.liferay.portal.model.impl.GroupImpl
required-type : com.liferay.portal.model.impl.GroupImpl
converter-type : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
path : /StagedGroup/_group/_originalName
line number : 32 class[1] :
version : 1.4.10

Since tickets are always time consuming I'd like to ask here first wether anyone has any hint regarding the underlying problem...


  • It's hard to say based on the limited information you've provided. Here are few things to double-check:

    If those are in place and you still have the issue, open a support ticket.

    I don't think this is a DB related issue but to rule that out you can switch your instance to hypersonic and try the import.