I'm a big user of Vim's ctags ctrl-] shortcut. I recently made a tag file in which the primary language is Make. When I try to ctrl-] with my cursor over a variable with a hyphen (ex. dl-routines), I get an error. If my cursor is over 'dl' within the 'dl-routines' variable I get the error
tag not found: dl
If my cursor is over 'routines' within the 'dl-routines' variable I get the error
tag not found: routines
I'm aware of Vim's
:ta tagname
However I'd like to use ctrl-] as it gives me less room for error.
In this case it's probably worth altering 'iskeyword'
option to include dash. It may have many other effects, but they all should be quite useful. The only trick is to make these changes locally:
autocmd FileType make setlocal iskeyword+=45