
Using method of React Native SDK returns undefined

I am using the ConnectyCube React Native SDK but not getting very far with it. When using its methods I am getting and error saying they are undefined like so: TypeError: Cannot read property 'createSession' of undefined. When I console.log ConnectyCube.createSession it logs:

ƒ createSession(params, callback) { this.auth.createSession(params, callback); }.

I have linked the package using react-native link connectycube-reactnative as I've read to do on other posts, but am still having the same problem. Anyone know what's wrong or how I could fix? Thanks in advance.

import ConnectyCube from 'connectycube-reactnative'
import config from './ConnectycubeConfig'

export default function App() { 


  var userCredentials = {login: 'xxxxxxxxx', password: 'xxxxxxxx'};

  ConnectyCube.createSession(userCredentials, (error, session) => {

  }); // 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'createSession' of undefined'


  • Please set it up and proceed with the session.

    import ConnectyCube from 'connectycube-reactnative'
    const cbConfig = [
            appId: 218,
            authKey: 'p-cqm2aatn8ZPM3',
            authSecret: '3hmGuXN8AHZOgg6',
            debug: { mode: 1 },
      componentWillMount() {
        ConnectyCube.createSession((failSession, session) => {
          if (!failSession, session) {
           alert("you can get login")