Async Mysql Client of Swoole in my PHP Project for which I am trying to use Swoole MySQL Class of PHP but I am getting
class not found
error while executing the code.
Below is the code snippet I was trying to execute:
use Swoole\MySQL as MySQL;
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => '3306',
'user' => 'root',
'password' => 'Secret_Password',
'database' => 'swoole_test_db',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'timeout' => 2,
), function ($mysql_client) {
$mysql_client->query("SELECT `reg_id`, `name` FROM `students` WHERE `reg_id` = 8;", function ($result) {
I tried searching everywhere but unable to find any reference on this error.
Version Details
Did I miss something, please help?
Thanks in advance!!!
It seems that the official documentation is either a bit off, or mentions a previous version of Swoole.
The class that should be used is Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL
You can verify that using the official documentation in their GitHub repository.