Hello I have been trying to contextual extract word embedding using the novel XLNet but without luck.
Running on Google Colab with TPU
I would like to note that I get this error when I use TPU so thus I switch to GPU to avoid the error
xlnet_config = xlnet.XLNetConfig(json_path=FLAGS.model_config_path)
AttributeError: module 'xlnet' has no attribute 'XLNetConfig'
However I get another error when I use GPU
run_config = xlnet.create_run_config(is_training=True, is_finetune=True, FLAGS=FLAGS)
AttributeError: use_tpu
I will post the whole code below: I am using a small sentence as an input till it work and I switch to big data then
Main Code:
import sentencepiece as spm
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from prepro_utils import preprocess_text, encode_ids
import xlnet
import sentencepiece as spm
text = "The metamorphic rocks of western Crete form a series some 9000 to 10,000 ft."
sp_model = spm.SentencePieceProcessor()
text = preprocess_text(text)
ids = encode_ids(sp_model, text)
# some code omitted here...
# initialize FLAGS
# initialize instances of tf.Tensor, including input_ids, seg_ids, and input_mask
# XLNetConfig contains hyperparameters that are specific to a model checkpoint.
xlnet_config = xlnet.XLNetConfig(json_path=FLAGS.model_config_path) **ERROR 1 HERE**
from absl import flags
import sys
# RunConfig contains hyperparameters that could be different between pretraining and finetuning.
run_config = xlnet.create_run_config(is_training=True, is_finetune=True, FLAGS=FLAGS) **ERROR 2 HERE**
xp = []
input_ids = np.asarray(xp)
xlnet_model = xlnet.XLNetModel(
Before the main code I'm cloning Xlnet from GitHub and so on (I will also post it)
! pip install sentencepiece
#Download the pretrained XLNet model and unzip only needs to be done once
! wget https://storage.googleapis.com/xlnet/released_models/cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16.zip
! unzip cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16.zip
! git clone https://github.com/zihangdai/xlnet.git
SCRIPTS_DIR = 'xlnet' #@param {type:"string"}
DATA_DIR = 'aclImdb' #@param {type:"string"}
OUTPUT_DIR = 'proc_data/imdb' #@param {type:"string"}
PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR = 'xlnet_cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16' #@param {type:"string"}
CHECKPOINT_DIR = 'exp/imdb' #@param {type:"string"}
train_command = "python xlnet/run_classifier.py \
--do_train=True \
--do_eval=True \
--eval_all_ckpt=True \
--task_name=imdb \
--data_dir="+DATA_DIR+" \
--output_dir="+OUTPUT_DIR+" \
--model_dir="+CHECKPOINT_DIR+" \
--uncased=False \
--spiece_model_file="+PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR+"/spiece.model \
--model_config_path="+PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR+"/xlnet_config.json \
--init_checkpoint="+PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR+"/xlnet_model.ckpt \
--max_seq_length=128 \
--train_batch_size=8 \
--eval_batch_size=8 \
--num_hosts=1 \
--num_core_per_host=1 \
--learning_rate=2e-5 \
--train_steps=4000 \
--warmup_steps=500 \
--save_steps=500 \
! {train_command}
Check this gist out.
We have made it really easy to get token level embeddings from XLNet
Update: Updated gist .
For detailed documentation and more examples check Github