
QueryString Structure of a Conditial Retrieve in OneM2M?

This is an example resource tree.

I need to retrieve latest 48 hours' data of cnt-2 and cnt-0 all together. What kind of query string should I put to the request ?


Where should I put the ids of cnt-0 and cnt-2 in the querystring ?


Also should I use only querystring to make discovery or is it valid to make a POST request ?


  • With the example request in your question you will also get all the matching <contentInstance> resources of cnt-1, because you do the discovery on the level of the IN-CSE. Unfortunately, you cannot have multiple targets in a single request, but I see at least two solutions that could work for your use case:

    In my opinion the second method is the more "elegant" one because it makes the (application) relationship of the two <container> resources clearer , but the first one might also be feasible if your <contentInstance> resources are tagged using labels anyway.

    Regarding the POST request: For the HTTP binding query parameters are only allowed for filtering and discovery. Please have a look at TS-0009, section Query component.

    Btw, there are currently ongoing discussions in oneM2M to describe the differences between retrieval and discovery a bit better.