I have an application that loads plugins on startup (daemon). In a subpackage (daemon/interfaces), I have a few interfaces that plugins for this program should use.
This means that the main program also gets imported by the plugin.
I am using Go modules (for both the main program and the plugin) to fix the versions, and I can see in go.mod
that it is using the latest version of the main program for the plugin.
I can build them both fine, but when I load the plugin it gives me an error saying
panic: plugin.Open("plugins/my-plugin"): plugin was built with a different version of package daemon/interfaces
I am using Go 1.12.7 to build both of the packages.
I fixed this by adding a replace statement to my plugin go.mod
module github.com/user/plugin
go 1.12
require (
github.com/user/daemon v1.1.1
replace github.com/user/daemon v1.1.1 => ../local/path/to/daemon/
It also helps when you are building the project from outside of the directory where the source code is in by using the full name of the project (go build github.com/user/project/
There is a related Github issue on the Golang repository that you can find here