I'm trying out PetitParser for parsing a simple integer list delimited by commas. For example: "1, 2, 3, 4"
I tried creating a integer parser and then use the delimitedBy method.
Parser integerParser = digit().plus().flatten().trim().map((String value) -> Integer.parseInt(value));
Parser listParser = integerParser.delimitedBy(of(','));
List<Integer> list = listParser.parse(input).get();
This returns a list with the parsed integers but also the delimiters. For example: [1, ,, 2, ,, 3, ,, 4]
Is there a way to exclude the delimiters from the result?
Yes, there is:
Parser listParser = integerParser
To get withoutSeparators()
import import static org.petitparser.utils.Functions.withoutSeparators;