
How to fix: "Unresolved reference: buffer" or "Using 'buffer(Source): BufferedSource' is an error. moved to extension function"?

I had 3 line code to get body from OkHttp3 source:

val responseBody = response.peekBody(response.body()!!.contentLength())
val source = GzipSource(responseBody.source())
val body = Okio.buffer(source).readUtf8() //issue is that line

on another computer I get error: "Using 'buffer(Source): BufferedSource' is an error. moved to extension function"

So fix it by replacing last line by:

val body = source.buffer().readUtf8()

bun now on the fist computer I have error: "Unresolved reference: buffer" so I need to revert that change.

What is wrong? base on error message I cannot figure out. It seems that it's issue with gradle configuration. But what? How to have compiling code on both computers.


  • add implementation "com.squareup.okio:okio:2.3.0" to your build.gradle