
Flex streaming data

I have a streaming server (for pushing data not video) setup with GraniteDS and it works great.

I have to include multiple swf files in a web page. Each of these swf files has a data table which includes streaming data(this is a specific requirement - so I really cant combine all data tables into 1 huge data table/swf file). All the swf files however, connect to the same gravity channel/streaming endpoint.

How many connections are there from the web page to the streaming server? Does each swf file start a new streaming connection? Or do all them share the same connection since they are just connecting to a single channel?

Regards, Ravi.


  • Ah, very good question grasshoppa.

    Essentially, each one of them has their own dedicated connection. So, if you have 6 swfs, each one would have a connection to the streaming server, so 6 connections. The problem with this is that if you're using RTMPT, your browser might block (or cycle) the extra connections since there's a limit (IE used to have a 2 connections per domain limit, FF is 10 I believe).

    The question however is are they all getting streaming data at the same time? Is the data different from swf to swf? One possible solution for this would be to have one of the swf be the 'main' swf which connects to the service, gets all the data and sends it to the other swfs either with Javascript or using LocalConnection.

    But, I don't know enough about your specs or why you have multiple swfs in the first place...