
Faster XPath expressions to execute queries from multiple XMLs

I have the two following XMLs and the problem statement is as follows.

  1. Parse XML 1 and if subnode of any node_x contains 'a' in its name (like in value_a_0) and value_a_0 contains a specific number, parse XML 2 and go to node_x-1 for all abc_x in and compare the content of value_x-1_0/1/2/3 with certain entities.

  2. If subnode of any node_x contains 'b' in its name (like in value_b_0) and value_b_0 contains a specific number(say 'm'), parse XML 2 and go to node_x+1 for all abc_x in and compare the content of value_x-1_0/1/2/3 with 'm'.

Example : For all the value_a_0 in record1 check if value_a_0 node contains 5. If so, which are the case for node_1 and node_9, go to record2/node_0 and record2/node_8 and compare the contents of value_0_0/1/2/3 whether they contains 5 or not. Similarly, for rest of the cases.

I was wondering what would be the best practice to solve it? Is there any hash-table approach in Xpath 3.0?

First XML



Second XML





  • It seems like a task that can partially solved by grouping but as in your previous examples the poor use of XML elements names that all differ by index values that should be part of an element or attribute value and not part of the element name makes it harder to write succinct code:

    let $abc-elements := $doc2/record2/*
    for $node-element in record1/*
    for $index in (1 to count($node-element[1]/*))
    for $index-element in $node-element/*[position() = $index]
    group by $index, $group-value := $index-element
    where tail($index-element)
        <group index="{$index}" value="{$group-value}">
            let $suffixes := $index-element/../string((xs:integer(substring-after(local-name(), '_')) - 1)),
                $relevant-abc-node-elements := $abc-elements/*[substring-after(local-name(), '_') = $suffixes]
            return $relevant-abc-node-elements[* = $group-value]
